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Friday, April 22, 2011

Dynamic Waves V1.0

Hey. So awhile back, I made a dynamic waves system for generating waves on the surfaces of meshes in the BGE, and now, I've gone back to update the system.

It's a lot more modular and easy to work with, as you only need to run a single function to see the effect on the object's mesh. It works okay so far, but it's not the fastest system (it loops through each vertex in the mesh and performs some calculations on them). It's pretty good for solid plane-type ground objects. Here's a video demonstrating it:

Download the demo and Waves script file here. As always, have fun with it.


  1. Hey, man, I donwnloaded and I'll use it. But, in each text code, there are some variables that don't affect the waves.

    It would be nice if there were the necessary variables. Now... I want a smaller wave and I don't how to do it (using FloorWave).

    I would like to have these variables:

    Xrate, Yrate, Xsize, Ysize, Xheight, Yheight and heighpaint.

    I'm trying to modify the file...


  2. Oh, there's a problem with TexFace and GLSL... when opening the file with 2.67, this appear:

    Warning: material "Material" skipped - to convert old game texface to material go to the Help menu.

    And, testing these file, when is in GLSL, the plane is not waving. But in Solid, it does...
